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CurseForge Cooking

Login to CurseForge

Before continuing within ADK, visit CurseForge and login with Twitch, Discord, or Gmail. Failing to do so may require you to contact CurseForge support to reset/consolidate your accounts.

Registering ADK with CurseForge

In the application menus, find UGC and select Share Mod

UGC Share Mod

This will pop a dialog which will request your email address.

CurseForge ADK Registration

Enter your email address and click continue. Check your email and open the link provided in the email within the same browser you are logged into CurseForge with. This will link ADK with your logged in CurseForge account.

Reset ADK Registration

If, for some reason, you ever need to reset your ADK registration with CurseForge, backup and delete the file located at ARKDevKit\Projects\ShooterGame\Modes\.eternal\83374\user_info.json

Cooking with CurseForge

Upload Mod to CurseForge

Once you have registered, the Share Mod UGC menu will then present you with the CurseForge Uploader.

CurseForge Uploader - First Share

  1. Select the Platform for which the mod is intended to be used (at the time of this writing, PC Only is the only available Platform).
  2. Select which Mod folder to upload.
  3. Give the Mod a user-friendly name. This name is transformed to kebab casing and used for the page slug. For example My Awesome Mod would be transformed to my-awesome-mod.
  4. Provide an image of 400px by 400px or larger, while maintaining a 1:1 ratio (square).
  5. Select the Mod's primary category (you can select secondaries on CurseForge's Website)
  6. Provide a short description for CurseForge and in-game.
  7. Provide a detailed description for CurseForge and in-game.
  8. If you ever see this screen and this is an already uploaded mod, select this option to the link of the existing mod.

When you are satisfied with your entries, click the Continue button to upload the mod.

Bad Image

If it fails to upload and provides a 4xx error, you may have provided an invalid image. Check your image and try again.

When the mod uploads, you should see a success dialog, as well as an Editor success dialog

CurseForge Upload Success ADK Upload Success

Most importantly, is the Editor dialog success message. Upon success, click the Go To Project button to open the Mod management page on CurseForge.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting CurseForge Builds

Once you are on the Mod management page, navigate to the Files tab, and monitor the uploaded file's cook status.

CurseForge Mod Cooking

Once the Mod has cooked successfully, you will be presented with a Ready For Review status. Before publishing, you may want to test the Mod.


To publish the build, click the orange button with the file up-arrow icon that has Publish Build tooltip.

CurseForge Publish Build

With a build published, you can now publish the project. Click the Publish Project button at the top of the page, next to Manage Project.

Congratulations! You have now published a Mod!